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Hello, and welcome to my recipe page. I am a 52
year old mother and grandmother who loves to cook
and try new recipes. I have 3 children, Chris, 25, Kevin,
18, and Ashley, 15. I also have 2 precious
grandchildren, Colleen, who is 6, and Dylan, 18 months. Dylan was a "preemie",
weighing on 1 lb. 4 ozs. at birth. He is truely a miracle baby.

If you have any questions about the recipes, comments
about the site, or would just like to say "hi", please email
me. I started this site while recovering from a car accident in
which I broke my back in 2 places. I have pretty much recovered,
however, there is permanent damage to my spinal cord which causes
constant pain and keeps me from walking as well as I used to. I would
like to thank my dear friend, Betty, for encouraging me to start this
site and for always being there for me.
Love you, Betty.

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before you leave.


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updates are made. Please be sure to use
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Please Note: Since this is a new site, there may not be
recipes in every category. I will post more as soon as

The newest recipes to be added can be found under Holiday Recipes. Enjoy!!

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